Evansville Radio Control Model Aircraft Club Field Safety Code and General Information
1. Flying is to be restricted to paid up ERCMAC members only and member’s approved guests. Members will be responsible for guest’s flying, and the Member’s AMA/FAA card must be displayed on the frequency control board. Guests are limited to three appearances per year and must then join the club for continued use of the field.
2. AMA membership is required for flying privileges at the field, AMA membership is not needed for associate membership to club.
3. Model flying must be in accordance with AMA National Model Aircraft Safety Code. All flights shall be conducted not higher than four hundred feet above the ground. The presence of a spotter will enhance flight safety. Those flying FPV will be required to have a knowledgeable spotter to assist them.
4. There is no hunting or fishing privileges on ERCMAC property or on the adjacent lands included as part of a membership in the ERCMAC.
5. Vehicles are allowed only in designated parking areas. There are no vehicles allowed on adjacent property to recover downed aircraft for any reason. Retrieval of aircraft from adjacent property will be done on foot and with a minimum number of participants.
6. All new members will be expected to receive indoctrination as to Flight Instruction, Club Safety Code, and ERCMAC bylaws.
7. All engines larger than .15 cu.in. will be equipped with an approved muffler. Four stroke/cycle and turbines are exempt.
8. Under no condition shall a 72MHz or 27MHz transmitter be turned on before you have taken the frequency pin and replaced it with your AMA/FAA card. The frequency pin is to be clipped to the transmitter and not on articles of clothing. When frequency sharing is necessary, it shall be the responsibility of the pilots to exchange the frequency pin from one to another. All 2.4G transmitters shall place AMA/FAA card on the board.
9. Airplane engines and electric motors will be started at the flight stations or break-in benches in the side area pits only. Direct prop wash toward runway and away from the pit area. Do not start engines in the front pit area or taxi models in the pit area. Planes may be started on break-in benches in the side pits and then transferred to the flight line. It is recommended that an assistant be used to maintain safety when this procedure is used.
10. It is the responsibility of the pilot to determine that it is safe to taxi or to have helper assist aircraft onto runway. The pilot should call out his intentions, I.E. Taking Off, Landing, Dead Stick, etc.
11. No runway restarting of engine is permissible. Return the aircraft to the flight station for restarting.
12. It is the responsibility of the pilot to call for assistance if he or she feels that conditions warrant, such as the aircraft being in jeopardy.
13. 72MHz Narrow band, 27 MHz, and 2.4G transmitters are permitted for use at the field and for all AMA sanctioned events. This requirement does not pertain to Ham Band equipment. Only licensed Amateur Radio operators are allowed to use Ham Band frequencies.
14. It is the responsibility of the pilot on 72MHz, 27MHz or Ham Band to return the frequency pin and secure his or her card as soon as possible at the end of the flight. On a day when many members are present, it is considered courteous to keep your flights to fifteen minutes or less if frequency conflicts exist. There is to be no aircraft flying west of a single straight line west of and parallel to the west edge of the concrete runway. Takeoffs and landings are to be done into the wind.
15. All rotary powered aircraft should be flown at the designated Helicopter pad. Rotary powered aircraft can fly at the main runway only if they fly a fixed wing pattern. Due to safety concerns and the maneuverability of rotary powered aircraft, fixed wing aircraft have the right- of -way when flying the pattern. Extreme Heli maneuvers must be flown at the Heli pad only.
16. The runways are for entering and exiting the flight pattern. Aerobatic maneuvers including low passes, 3D flight, and general aerobatics should not be flown over the runway if it interferes with other people utilizing the runway. When there is more than one airplane in the air all maneuvers should be flown over the tall grass.
17. All flying is to be done in a safe and responsible manner, in accordance with the AMA National Model Aircraft Safety Code. If in the judgment of your fellow members your attitude and compliance with the Safety Codes are not in the best interest of the club it can be brought to the attention of the board or membership. Irresponsible behavior could result in termination of membership.
18. On trainer nights, priority of flight will be given to those who are new to the hobby and are learning to fly with an instructor. If there is active training session in progress then all other flyers should be respectful of those training. Not all students (especially when first learning) are comfortable flying with others. Please ask the appropriate instructor before flying with an active trainee and be respectful of their wishes.
19. Any illegal activities on ERCMAC property will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
20. For the safety and enjoyment of all, no one will be permitted in restricted areas (which are marked with signs indicating only AMA members allowed) such as the uncovered pit area and the flight line, except AMA members. Non AMA members may only enter the restricted areas when accompanied by an AMA member. All members will assist in enforcing this rule to minimize the risk of injury to anyone. Insurance coverage dictates strict adherence to this rule.
21. The field will be closed periodically for mowing or field maintenance. A “Field Closed” sign shall be placed on or near the frequency board during these times. During times of mowing or field maintenance, every consideration for safety must be given. All flying must be terminated and equipment must be relocated away from areas being worked on. Grass cutting and field maintenance shall have priority over flying of model aircraft.
22. Pyrotechnic rockets are prohibited.
23. When launching glider by cord or winch, pilot should check with other members present at field before proceeding .Also see Item 14.
24. Anyone at the field shall alert flyers should there be a potentially unsafe condition with full scale aircraft or a model out of control.
25. Monthly Club meetings will be held on the fourth Monday of each month at 7:00 pm, except in December. Monthly club meetings will be held at Lakeside Manor, 3201 N. Green River Road. Evansville, unless conditions warrant a change of place, date or time.
26. Club dues are as follows:
Open Membership are $75.00 per year.
Family membership $105.00 (family living in the same household).
Junior membership $30.00 (under 19 years of age as of July 1ast of the membership year).
Associate membership is $15.00 per year.
AMA/FAA membership is required of all members who wish to fly. ERCMAC dues may change yearly. For more information on membership fees contact Michael Haynes 812-455-7257 mshaynes53@gmailcom or Howard Leistner at 812-205-1450 h.leistner@twc.com They can also be seen them at the meeting or at the flying field.
The ERCMAC Field Safety Code and General Information was adopted on September 11, 1998.
Revised February 10, 2005
Revised October 12, 2006
Revised September 09, 2009
Revised April 13, 2010
Revised February 13, 2013
Revised April 12, 2013
Revised June 17, 2016
Revised Mar 22, 2017